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The group's research is focused on advancing synchrotron-based techniques and methodologies for unveiling fundamental questions related to the nano-bio interface. Synchrotron radiation, a powerful tool for probing the structural, chemical, and physical properties of materials, is at the core of our research effort. The primary techniques employed in our studies include small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy (XPCS), nano-infrared (nano-IR) spectroscopy, and cryogenic soft X-ray tomography (cryo-SXT). Each technique offers unique insights and capabilities, making them invaluable for probing nano-bio interfaces.

SAXS is a technique that investigates the structural properties of materials at the nanometer to micrometer scale. It measures the scattering of X-rays as they pass through a sample, providing information about the size, shape, and distribution of particles or domains within the material. Developing advanced SAXS methods involves improving data acquisition and analysis techniques to achieve higher sensitivity to investigate nano-bio interactions. This can lead to a better understanding of complex systems and nanoparticle-biological structure interactions. The group's research in SAXS focuses on enhancing the precision of measurements, and expanding the range of detectable structures, thereby making SAXS a more powerful tool for studying the interface between material science and biology.

Read more:

1) Inside the Protein Corona: From Binding Parameters to Unstained Hard and Soft Coronas Visualization. Nano Letters, v. 21, p. 8250, 2021.

2) Nanoparticle-Protein Interaction: Demystifying the Correlation between Protein Corona and Aggregation Phenomena. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, v. 14, p. 28559, 2022.

XPCS is a synchrotron-based technique that measures the temporal fluctuations in the scattered X-ray intensity to study the dynamics of materials. This technique is particularly useful for observing slow dynamics and processes such as diffusion, viscosity changes, and phase transitions. The group's research aims to develop more efficient and accurate XPCS methodologies, enabling the study of faster dynamics and smaller spatial scales. By improving sample handling and data processing algorithms, the team seeks to probe nanoparticles close to their real environment inside human body by measuring nanoparticles in body-simulated fluids and blood, thus broadening the knowledge of colloidal nanoparticles behavior in complex fluids.

Read more:

1) Distinguishing Protein Corona from Nanoparticle Aggregate Formation in Complex Biological Media Using X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy. Nano Letters, v. 24, p. 13293, 2024.

Nano-IR spectroscopy combines infrared spectroscopy with scanning probe microscopy to achieve chemical imaging at the nanometer scale. This technique allows for the identification of chemical composition and mapping of molecular structures within a sample with unprecedented spatial resolution. The research group is focused on refining the nano-IR technique to improve its spatial resolution, sensitivity, and range of detectable chemical species at nano-bio interface. Advances in this area could lead to significant breakthroughs in nanotechnology, and biomedical research, where detailed chemical and structural information at the nanoscale is crucial. Our main activities include the detection of proteins adsorbed on the nanoparticles' surface or studies related to the interaction between nanoparticles and bacteria.

Read more:

1) Gram-Negative Bacteria Targeting Mediated by Carbohydrate–Carbohydrate Interactions Induced by Surface-Modified Nanoparticles. Advanced Functional Materials, v. 29, p. 1904216, 2019.

Cryo-SXT is a technique that uses soft X-rays to produce high-resolution images of cryogenically frozen samples. This method is particularly valuable for studying biological specimens in their native hydrated state (spatially cells), without the need for staining or other chemical modifications. The group's research is dedicated to advancing cryo-STXM by  developing better sample preparation techniques, and improving data analysis methods. These improvements aim to provide more detailed and accurate images of nanoparticles internalized by cells, contributing to fields such as nanomedicine, biochemistry, and medical research.

Read more:

1) Internalization and Cellular Fate of Protein Corona-Coated Nanoparticles by Multimodal Multi-Scale Microscopy. Small, ASAP.

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