99. Silva, C.E.P. ; Picco, A.S. ; Galdino, F.E. ; de Azevedo, M.B.M. ; Cathcarth, M. ; Passos, A.R. ; CARDOSO, M. B.* . Distinguishing Protein Corona from Nanoparticle Aggregate Formation in Complex Biological Media Using X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy. Nano Letters, v. 24, p. 13293, 2024.
97. Mondo, G.B. ; Cathcarth, M. ; Longo, G. ; Picco, A. S. ; CARDOSO, M. B.* . Short Zwitterionic Sulfobetaine-Modified Silica Nanoparticles: Is Neutrality Possible? Langmuir, v. 40, p. 10856, 2024 (Featured on the Front Cover).
83. Silveira, C.P. ; Schneid, A.C. ; Ribeiro., I.R.S. ; Galdino, F.E. ; CARDOSO, M. B.* . A nano perspective behind the COVID-19 pandemic. Nanoscale Horizons, v.6, p. 842, 2021 (Featured on the Front Cover).
81. Galdino, F.E. ; Picco, A.S. ; Capeletti, L.B. ; Bettini, J. ; CARDOSO, M. B.* . Inside the Protein Corona: From Binding Parameters to Unstained Hard and Soft Coronas Visualization. Nano Letters, Nano Letters, v. 21, p. 8250, 2021.
73. Capeletti, L.B.; Oliveira, J.F.A. ; Loiola, L.M.D; Galdino, F.E.; da Silva Santos, D.E.; Freitas, R.O.; CARDOSO, M. B.* Gram-Negative Bacteria Targeting Mediated by Carbohydrate–Carbohydrate Interactions Induced by Surface-Modified Nanoparticles. Advanced Functional Materials, v. 29, p. 1904216, 2019. (Featured on the Front Cover)
70. Balestrin, L.B.S. ; Francisco, R.D. ; Bertran, C.A. ; CARDOSO, M. B. ; Loh, W. . Direct Assessment of Inhibitor and Solvent Effects on the Deposition Mechanism of Asphaltenes in a Brazilian Crude Oil. Energy & Fuels, v. 33, p. 4748, 2019.
67. Rahmani, S. ; Bouchmella, K. ; Budimir, J. ; Raehm, L. ; CARDOSO, M. B. ; Trens, P. ; Durand, J.-O. ; Charnay, C. . Degradable Hollow Organosilica Nanoparticles for Antibacterial Activity. ACS Omega, v. 4, p. 1479-1486, 2019.
64. Bouchmella, K. ; Campanaro, F.D. ; Mondo, G.B. ; Santos, M.I. ; Franco, C.H. ; Moraes, C.B. ; Biolley, C. ; Mehdi; A. ; CARDOSO, M. B.* . Tetracycline@silver ions-functionalized mesoporous silica for high bactericidal activity at ultra-low concentration. Nanomedicine, v.13, p. 1731, 2018.
63. Shimizu, F.M. ; Pasqualeti, A.M. ; Todão, F.R. ; de Oliveira, J.F.A. ; Vieira, L.C.S. ; Gonçalves, S.P.C. ; da Silva, G.H. ; CARDOSO, M. B. ; Gobbi, A.L. ; Martinez, D.S.T. ; Oliveira, O.N. ; Lima, R.S. . Monitoring the Surface Chemistry of Functionalized Nanomaterials with a Microfluidic Electronic Tongue. ACS Sensors, v. 3, p. 716, 2018.
62. Picco, A.S.; Ferreira, L.F. ; Liberato, M.S. ; Mondo, G.B. ; CARDOSO, M. B.* . Freeze-drying of silica nanoparticles: redispersibility toward nanomedicine applications. Nanomedicine, v.13, p. 179, 2018.
61. Grein-Iankovski, A. ; Ferreira, J.G.L. ; Orth, E.S. ; Sierakowsski, M.R. ; CARDOSO, M. B. ; Simas, F.F. ; Riegel-Vidotti, I.C. . A comprehensive study of the relation between structural and physical chemical properties of acacia gums. Food Hydrocolloids, v. 85, p. 167, 2018.
60. Capeletti, L.B. ; Alves, M.C.M. ; CARDOSO, M. B. ; dos Santos, J.H.Z. . Hybrid silica based catalysts prepared by the encapsulation of zirconocene compound via non-hydrolytic sol-gel method for ethylene polymerization. Applied Catalysis A-General, v. 560, p. 225, 2018.
56. Oliveira, J.F.A. ; Saito, A ; Bido, A.T. ; Kobarg, J. ; Stassen, H.K. ; CARDOSO, M. B.*. Defeating Bacterial Resistance and Preventing Mammalian Cells Toxicity Through Rational Design of Antibiotic-Functionalized Nanoparticles. Scientific Reports, v. 7, p. 1326, 2017.
55. De Oliveira, L.F. ; Bouchmella, K. ; Picco, A.S.; Capeletti, L.B. ; Gonçalves, K.A. ; Dos Santos, J.H.Z. ; Kobarg, J. ; CARDOSO, M. B.*. Tailored Silica Nanoparticles Surface to Increase Drug Load and Enhance Bactericidal Response. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society. v. 28, p. 1715, 2017. (Invited Paper to the Young Rising Talented Brazilian Researchers Special Issue; Part of Front Cover illustration)
54. Batista, C.C.S. ; Albuquerque, L.J.C. ; Ribeiro, C.A.S. ; Castro, C.E. ; Miranda, E.G.A. ; Nantes. I.L. ; Albuquerque, B.L. ; CARDOSO, M. B. ; Giacomelli, F.C. . Nano-Sized Silver Colloids Produced and Stabilized by Amino-Functionalized Polymers: Polymer Structure-Nanoparticle Features and Polymer Structure-Growth Kinetics Relationships. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society. v. 28, p. 1608, 2017. (Invited Paper to the Young Rising Talented Brazilian Researchers Special Issue)
53. Gallagher-Jones, M. ; Dias, C.S.B. ; Pryor, A. ; Bouchmella, K. ; Zhao, L. ; Lo, Y.H. ; CARDOSO, M. B. ; Shapiro, D. ; Rodriguez, J. ; Miao, J. . Correlative cellular ptychography with functionalized nanoparticles at the Fe L-edge. Scientific Reports, v. 7, p. 4757, 2017.
52. Balestrin, L.B.S . ; CARDOSO, M. B. ; Loh, W. . Using atomic force microscopy to detect asphaltene colloidal particles in crude oils. Energy & Fuels, v. 31, p. 3738. 2017.
51. Milani, R. ; da Luz, L.L. ; de ARAÚJO, A.C.V. ; R., N.M. ; Falcão, E.H.L. ; de Azevedo, W.M. ; da Costa, N.B. ; CARDOSO, M. B. ; Freire, R.O. ; Júnior, S.A. . Improving the Quantum Efficiency of the Lanthanide-Organic Framework [Eu2(MELL)(H2O)6] by Heating: A Simple Strategy to Produce Efficient Luminescent Devices. Journal of Luminescence, v. 187, p. 555, 2017.
50. Koch, F.J. ; O'Dowd, F.P. ; CARDOSO, M. B. ; da Silva, R.R. ; Cavicchioli, M. ; Ribeiro, S.J.L. ; Schröter, T.J. ; Faisal, A. ; Meyer, P. ; Kunka, D. ; Mohr, J. . Low energy X-ray grating interferometry at the Brazilian Synchrotron. Optics Communications, v. 393, p. 195, 2017.
49. Vescovi, R.F.C. ; CARDOSO, M. B. ; Miqueles, E.X. . Radiography registration for mosaic tomography. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, v. 24, p. 1, 2017. (Featured on the Front Cover)
48. Capeletti, L.B. ; CARDOSO, M. B. ; Santos, J.H.Z. ; He, W. . Hybrid Thin Film Organosilica Sol–Gel Coatings To Support Neuronal Growth and Limit Astrocyte Growth. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, v. 8, p. 27553, 2016.
47. De Souza e Silva, J.M. ; Hanchuk, T.D.M. ; Santos, M.I. ; Kobarg, J. ; Bajgelman, M.C. ; CARDOSO, M. B.*. Viral Inhibition Mechanism Mediated by Surface-Modified Silica Nanoparticles. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, v. 8, p. 16564, 2016.
46. De Oliveira, L.F. ; Bouchmella, K. ; Gonçalves, K.A. ; Bettini, J.; Kobarg, J. ; CARDOSO, M. B.*. Functionalized Silica Nanoparticles As an Alternative Platform for Targeted Drug-Delivery of Water Insoluble Drugs. Langmuir, v. 32, p. 3217, 2016. (Featured on the Front Cover)
45. Moreno, Y.P. ; Ferrão, M. F. ; CARDOSO, M. B. ; Moncada, E.A. ; Dos Santos, J.H.Z. . Structural discrimination of nanosilica particles and mixed-structure silica by multivariate analysis applied to SAXS profiles in combination with FT-IR spectroscopy. RSC Advances, v. 6, p. 72306-72316, 2016.
44. Moreno, Y.P. ; CARDOSO, M. B. ; Ferrão, M.F. ; Moncada, E.A. ; Dos Santos, J.H.Z. . Effect of SiCl4 on the preparation of functionalized mixed-structure silica from monodisperse sol-gel silica nanoparticles. Chemical Engineering Journal, v. 292, p. 233, 2016.
43. Ribeiro de Barros, H. ; CARDOSO, M. B. ; de Oliveira, C.C. ; Franco, C.R.C.; Belan, D.L. ; Vidotti, M. ; Riegel-Vidotti, I.C. . Stability of gum arabic-gold nanoparticles in physiological simulated pHs and their selective effect on cell lines. RSC Advances, v. 6, p. 9411, 2016.
42. Padula, L. ; Balestrin, L.B.S. ; Rocha, N.O. ; de Carvalho, C.H.M. ; Westfahl Jr, H. ; CARDOSO, M. B. ; Sabadini, E. ; Loh, W. . Role of asphaltenes and additives on the viscosity and microscopic structure of heavy crude oils. Energy & Fuels (Print), v.30, p. 3644, 2016.
41. Ferreira, D.C.M. ; Giordano, G.F. ; Soares, C.C.P.S. ; Oliveira, J.F.A. ; Mendes, R.K. ; Piazzetta, M.H. ; Gobbi, A.L. ; CARDOSO, M. B.*. Optical paper-based sensor for ascorbic acid quantification using silver nanoparticles. Talanta, v. 141, p. 188, 2015.
40. Moreno, Y.P. ; CARDOSO, M. B.; Moncada, E.A. ; Santos, J.H.Z. . Correlating the Morphological Properties and Structural Organization of Monodisperse Spherical Silica Nanoparticles Grown on a Commercial Silica Surface. ChemPhysChem, v. 16, p. 2981, 2015.
39. De Souza e Silva, J.M. ; Zanette, I. ; Noel, P.B. ; CARDOSO, M. B.; Kimm, M.A. ; Pfeiffer, F. . Three-dimensional non-destructive soft-tissue visualization with X-ray staining micro-tomography. Scientific Reports, v. 5, p. 14088, 2015.
38. Silva, H.F.O. ; Lima, K.M.G. ; CARDOSO, M. B.; Oliveira, J.F.A.; Melo, M.C.N. ; Sant'Anna, C. ; Eugênio, M. ; Gasparotto, L.H.S. . Doxycycline conjugated with polyvinylpyrrolidone-encapsulated silver nanoparticles: a polymer's malevolent touch against Escherichia coli. RSC Advances, v. 5, p. 66886, 2015.
37. Alkschbirs, M.I. ; Percebom, A.M. ; Loh, W. ; Westfahl Jr., H. ; CARDOSO, M. B. ; Sabadini, E.. Effects of some Anions of the Hofmeister Series on the Rheology of Cetyltrimethylammonium-Salicylate Wormlike Micelles. Colloids and Surfaces. A, Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, v. 470, p. 1, 2015.
36. Freitas, F.S.; De Souza e Silva, J.M. ; CARDOSO, M. B. ; Nogueira, A.F. . Incorporation of nanocrystals with different dimensionalities in hybrid TiO2 / P3HT solar cells. J Photon Energy, v. 5, p. 057407, 2015.
35. Capeletti, L.B. ; De Oliveira, L.F. ; Gonçalves, K.A. ; Oliveira, J.F.A. ; Saito, A ; Kobarg, J. ; Santos, J.H.Z. ; CARDOSO, M. B.*. Tailored Silica-Antibiotic Nanoparticles: Overcoming Bacterial Resistance with Low Cytotoxicity. Langmuir, v. 30, p. 7456, 2014.
34. Oliveira, J.F.A. ; CARDOSO, M. B.*. Partial aggregation of silver nanoparticles induced by capping and reducing agents competition. Langmuir, v. 30, p. 4879, 2014. (Featured on the Front Cover)
33. Souza, C.F. ; Riegel-Vidotti, I.C. ; CARDOSO, M. B. ; Ono, L. ; Lucyszyn, N. ; Lubambo, A. F. ; Sens, C.V. ; Grein, A. ; Sierakowski, M.R. . Nanometric organisation in blends of gellan/xyloglucan hydrogels. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2014.07.070.
32. Livi, S.; Silva, A.A. ; Pereira, J. ; Nguyen, T.K.L. ; Soares, B.G.; CARDOSO, M. B. ; Gérard, J.-F. ; Duchet-Rumeau, J. . Supercritical CO2-organosilane mixtures for modification of silica: Applications to epoxy prepolymer matrix. Chemical Engineering Journal, v. 241, p. 103, 2014.
31. De Oliveira, L.F. ; Gonçalves, J.O. ; Gonçalves, K.A. ; Kobarg, J. ; CARDOSO, M. B.*. Sweeter But Deadlier: Decoupling Size, Charge and Capping Effects in Carbohydrate Coated Bactericidal Silver Nanoparticles. Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, v. 9, p. 1817, 2013.
30. Peroni-Okita, F.H.G. ; CARDOSO, M. B. ; Agogipian, R.G.D. ; Louro, R.P. ; Nascimento, J.R.O. ; Purgatto, E. ; Tavares, M.I.B. ; Lajolo, F.M. ; Cordenunsi, B.R. . The cold storage of green bananas affects the starch degradation during ripening at higher temperature. Carbohydrate Polymers, v. 96, p. 137, 2013.
29. De Souza e Silva, J.M. ; Pastorello, M. ; Kobarg, J. ; CARDOSO, M. B.* ; Mazali, I.O. . Selective Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles onto Potassium Hexaniobate: Structural Organisation with Bactericidal Properties. ChemPhysChem, v. 14, p. 4075, 2013. (Featured on the Front Cover)
28. Monteiro, K.M. ; CARDOSO, M. B. ; Follmer, C. ; da Silveira, N.P. ; Vargas, D.M. ; Kitajima, E.W. ; Zaha, A. ; Ferreira, H.B. . Echinococcus granulosus Antigen B Structure: Subunit Composition and Oligomeric States. Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases, v. 6, p. e1551, 2012.
27. O Neill, H. ; Chathoth, S.M. ; CARDOSO, M. B. ; Baker, G.A. ; Mamontov, E. ; Urban, V.S. . Characterization of Morphology and Active Agent Mobility within Hybrid Silica Sol Gel Composites. Journal of Physical Chemistry. C, v. 116, p. 13972, 2012.
26. De Oliveira, L.F. ; Gonçalves, K.A. ; Boreli, F. H. ; Kobarg, J. ; CARDOSO, M. B.*. Mechanism of interaction between colloids and bacteria as evidenced by tailored silica lysozyme composites. Journal of Materials Chemistry, v. 22, p. 22851, 2012. (Featured on the Front Cover)
25. Morais, E.C. ; Correa, G.G. ; Brambilla, R. ; Livotto, P.R. ; dos Santos, J.H.Z. ; CARDOSO, M. B.. Silica imprinted materials containing pharmaceuticals as a template: textural aspects. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, v. 64, p. 324, 2012.
24. CARDOSO, M. B. ; Smolensky, D. ; Heller, W.T. ; Hong, K. ; O'Neill, H. . Supramolecular assembly of biohybrid photoconversion systems. Energy & Environmental Science (Print), v. 4, p. 181, 2011. (Featured on the Front Cover)
23. Leirose, G.D.S. ; CARDOSO, M. B.* . Silica-maltose composites: Obtaining drug carrier systems through tailored ultrastructural nanoparticles. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, v. 100, p. 2826, 2011.
22. Brambilla, R. ; Poisson, J. ; Radtke, C. ; Miranda, M.S.L. ; CARDOSO, M. B. ; Butler, I.S. ; dos Santos, J.H.Z. . Sol gel preparation of aminopropyl-silica-magnesia hybrid materials. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, v. 59, p. 135, 2011.
21. Dal Lago, V. ; De Oliveira, L.F. ; Gonçalves, K.A. ; Kobarg, J. ; CARDOSO, M. B.* . Size-selective silver nanoparticles: future of biomedical devices with enhanced bactericidal properties. Journal of Materials Chemistry, v. 21, p. 12267, 2011. (Featured on the Front Cover)
20. Putaux, J.-L. ; Nishiyama, Y. ; Mazeau, K. ; Morin, M. ; CARDOSO, M. B. ; Chanzy, H. . Helical Conformation in Crystalline Inclusion Complexes of V-Amylose: A Historical Perspective. Macromolecular Symposia, v. 303, p. 1, 2011.
19. Soares, C.A. ; Peroni-Okita, F.H.G. ; CARDOSO, M. B. ; Shitakubo, R. ; Lajolo, F.M. ; Cordenunsi, B.R. . Plantain and Banana Starches: Granule Structural Characteristics Explain the Differences in Their Starch Degradation Patterns. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, v. 59, p. 6672-6681, 2011.
18. Westfahl Jr, H. ; CARDOSO, M. B.* . Accessing the hidden lamellar nanostructure of semi-crystalline nascent polymers by small-angle X-ray scattering contrast variation. Journal of Applied Crystallography, v. 44, p. 1123-1126, 2011.
17. CARDOSO, M. B.* ; Westfahl Jr., H. . On the lamellar width distributions of starch. Carbohydrate Polymers, v. 81, p. 21-28, 2010.
16. Peroni-Okita, F.H.G. ; Simão, R.A. ; CARDOSO, M. B. ; Soares, C.A. ; Lajolo, F.M. ; Cordenunsi, B.R. . In vivo degradation of banana starch: Structural characterization of the degradation process. Carbohydrate Polymers, v. 81, p. 291-299, 2010.
15. CARDOSO, M. B. ; Luckarift, H.R. ; Urban, V.S. ; O'Neill, H. ; Johnson, G.R. . Protein Localization in Silica Nanospheres Derived via Biomimetic Mineralization. Advanced Functional Materials (Print), v. 20, p. 3031-3038, 2010. (Featured on the Front Cover)
14. Nishiyama, Y. ; Mazeau, K. ; Morin, M. ; CARDOSO, M. B. ; Chanzy, H. ; Putaux, J.-L. . Molecular and Crystal Structure of 7-Fold V-Amylose Complexed with 2-Propanol. Macromolecules (Print), v. 43, p. 8628-8636, 2010.
13. Capeletti, L.B. ; Bertotto, F.L. ; Dos Santos, J.H.Z. ; Moncada, E. ; CARDOSO, M. B. . The effect of the sol gel route on the characteristics of acid base sensors. Sensors and Actuators. B, Chemical, v. 151, p. 169-176, 2010.
12. CARDOSO, M. B. ; Smolensky, D. ; Heller, W.T ; O'Neill, H. . Investigation of detergent effects on the solution structure of spinach Light Harvesting Complex II. Journal of Physics. Conference Series (Online), v. 251, p. 012041, 2010.
11. CARDOSO, M. B. ; Smolensky, D. ; Heller, W.T. ; O'Neill, H. . Insight into the Structure of Light-Harvesting Complex II and Its Stabilization in Detergent Solution. Journal of Physical Chemistry. B, v. 113, p. 16377-16383, 2009.
10. Qiu, X. ; Howe, J.Y. ; CARDOSO, M. B. ; Polat, O. ; Heller, W.T ; Parans Paranthaman, M . Size control of highly ordered HfO 2 nanotube arrays and a possible growth mechanism . Nanotechnology (Bristol), v. 20, p. 455601, 2009.
9. Thys, R.C.S. ; Westfahl Jr, H. ; Norena, C.P.Z. ; Marczak, L.D.F. ; Silveira, N.P. ; CARDOSO, M. B.* . Effect of the Alkaline Treatment on the Ultrastructure of C-Type Starch Granules. Biomacromolecules, v. 9, p. 1894-1901, 2008.
8. Heineck, M. ; CARDOSO, M. B. ; Giacomelli, F.C. ; Silveira, N.P. . Evidences of amylose coil-to-helix transition in stored dilute solutions. Polymer (Guildford), v. 49, p. 4386-4392, 2008.
7. Putaux, J.-L. ; CARDOSO, M. B. ; Dupeyre, D. ; Morin, M. ; Nulac, A. ; Hu, Y. . Single Crystals of V-Amylose Inclusion Complexes. Macromolecular Symposia, v. 273, p. 1-8, 2008.
6. CARDOSO, M. B. ; Samios, D. ; Silveira, N.P. ; Rodembusch, F.S. ; Stefani, V. . ESIPT-exhibiting protein probes: a sensitive method for rice proteins detection during starch extraction. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, v. 6, p. 99-102, 2007.
5. Monteiro, K.M. ; Scapin, S.M.N. ; Navarro, M.V.A.S. ; Zanchin, N.I.T. ; CARDOSO, M. B. ; Silveira, N.P. ; Gonçalves, P.F.B. ; Stassen, H.K. ; Zaha, A. ; Ferrerira, H.B. . Self-assembly and structural characterization of Echinococcus granulosus antigen B recombinant subunit oligomers. BBA. Proteins and Proteomics, v. 1774, p. 278-285, 2007.
4. CARDOSO, M. B. ; Putaux, J.-L. ; Nishiyama, Y. ; Helbert, W. ; Hytch, M. ; Silveira, N.P. ; Chanzy, H. . Single crystals of V-amylose complexed with alpha-naphthol. Biomacromolecules, v. 8, p. 1319-1326, 2007.
3. CARDOSO, M. B. ; Putaux, J.-L. ; Samios, D. ; Silveira, N.P. . Influence of alkali concentration on the deproteinization and/or gelatinization of rice starch. Carbohydrate Polymers, v. 70, p. 160-165, 2007.
2. CARDOSO, M. B. ; Samios, D. ; Silveira, N.P. . Study of protein detection and ultrastructure of brazilian rice starch during alkaline extraction. Stärke (Weinheim), v. 58, p. 345-352, 2006.
1. Mertins, O. ; CARDOSO, M. B. ; Pohlmann, A.R. ; Silveira, N.P. . Structural evaluation of phospholipidic nanovesicles containing small amounts of chitosan. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, v. 6, p. 2425-2431, 2006.