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Traditional Brazilian Barbecue

December 2018


Our group again ended up the year with a traditional Brazilian barbecue.

This was an amazing way of celebrating the productive year of the group.

Also, we are happy to complete 2018 as it was, considering all group achievements, and we hope an even more fruitful 2019. 

Mateus Cardoso nominated to the Brazilian Academy of Science

December 2018


Mateus Cardoso was nominated as affiliated member of the Brazilian Academy of Science. 

This choice is done based on those scientists under 40 which have made significant scientific contribution in their fields.

Mateus Cardoso will serve as affiliated member from 2019 to 2023.

For the nomination, click HERE.

Gabriela Mondo won best poster prize

October 2018


Gabriela Mondo won one of the best poster prizes during the São Paulo School on Colloids held in Campinas with the presence of the most important names of colloids community.

Her PhD work and poster are focused on colloidal stability and proteins corona studies.

Click here to see her poster. 

Mateus Cardoso at the Brazilian School of Electronic Structure

Septembre 2018


Mateus Cardoso was invited to give a 4-hours course during XVI Brazilian School of Electronic Structure held in Santa Maria - Rio Grande do Sul.

During his course, Mateus Cardoso described how electronic structure studies can be correlated and used to foresee biological interactions of nanoparticles. 

Mateus Cardoso at USP-Ribeirão Preto

August 2018


Mateus Cardoso was invited to give a talk in the Institute of Chemistry of State University of São Paulo (USP) at Ribeirão Preto.

During his talk, Mateus Cardoso has shown how our research group has been working to increase biological activity by using colloidally stable surface modified nanoparticles. 

Mateus Cardoso in Sweden

June 2018


Mateus Cardoso was one of the invited professors during the Synchrotron and Neutron School on Biomedical Sciences held at Mölle - Sweden.

In the way back to Campinas, Mateus Cardoso stopped few days in the University of Lund, the heart of Physical Chemistry for scientific discussions and a talk.  

Mateus Cardoso invited to serve an Editor of Scientific Reports

May 2018


Mateus Cardoso was was invited to serve as an Editor of Scientific Reports from the Nature Publishing Group.

He is going to handle manuscripts dealing with nano-bio interactions, nanoparticles characterization and biological applications of nanoparticles.  

Workshop of Nanomedicine and Physical Sciences in Oncology

May 2018


Mateus Cardoso was one of the invited speakers of the Workshop of Nanomedicine and Physical Sciences in Oncology which is a satellite event of the Brazilian Breast Cancer Symposium. This event was organized by the Federal University of Goias.

Mateus Cardoso described during his talk the strategy of targeting nanoparticles to tumor cels while preventing significant toxicity to the healthy ones.

Mateus Cardoso at CNano - UFRGS

April 2018


Mateus Cardoso was one of the invited speakers of anual symposium organized by the CNano  from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul.

During his talk, Mateus Cardoso shown how our research group has been working to increase biological activity by using surface modified nanoparticles.  

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Top #35 in Scientific Reports

March 2018


It is  pleasure to inform that our research article Defeating Bacterial Resistance and Preventing Mammalian Cells Toxicity Through Rational Design of Antibiotic-Functionalized Nanoparticles has been selected as one of the top 100 read chemistry papers for Scientific Reports in 2017.

In fact, ou work was ranked as #35 highlighting the relevance and importance of our findings. 

All other papers well ranked can be found in the link below.

Also, click here to read the letter sent by the Scientific Reports Editors. 

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Mateus Cardoso presenting our work at the Fiocruz - Bahia

March 2018


Mateus Cardoso was one of the invited speakers of I International Course on Immune Regulation and Biotechnology held in Fiocruz - Salvador (Bahia). During his talk, Mateus Cardoso described the evolution of nanomedicines and situated the audience about the main findings of our research group based on surface modified nanoparticles.  

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
International visitors in our group

February 2018


Our group is receiving two international and  prestigious visitors. One is coming from France (Jean-François Berret from Paris 7 University) and came here to work on protein corona as well as colloidal stability subjects. The second one coming from Argentina (Jimena Tuninetti from INIFTA) is here to work on core-shell systems for imaging applications in biology.

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Mateus Cardoso was interviewed by Microbiologia In Foco

January 2018


Microbiologia In Foco is the magazine which is maintained by the Brazilian Society of Microbiology. This magazine is focused on showing the microbiology community the new trends and last advances in the microbiology world. Mateus Cardos was interviewed by Microbiologia In Foco to describe the last advances of the group towards the used of nanoparticles as active agents against antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Click here and read the interview (in Portuguese)

Click here and visit Microbiologia In Foco

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Our work in highlighted in public TV (Rede Globo)

December 2017


Our work was duly presented on TV (Rede Globo) saying that the strategy used by our group is one of the most promising ones in fighting resistant bacteria. 

It was broadcasted during Como Será TV show that described the last scientific relevant advances and curiosities related to the society

Click here to watch (in Portuguese)

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Ministry of Science and Technology releases a video of our work

December 2017


Our work based on inactivation of bacteria by using nanoparticles was chosen by the Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology (MCTIC) as one of the most important Brazilian findings og 2017.

Based on that, the MCTIC decided to produce a video where our main findings are duly described for the overall population.

The video explains didactically the role of nanoparticles when playing a role as bactericidal agents. In addition, the video as stress out our focus on fighting antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Click on the link below and watch the video (in Portuguese).

Click here to watch the video

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Traditional Brazilian Barbecue

December 2017


Our group ended up the year with a traditional Brazilian barbecue.

This was an amazing way of celebrating the productive year of the group.

Also, this was a very nice way of saying hello again to Francine Scheffer after her 6-months stay in Germany which was amazingly productive. 

Other group events will happen very soon...

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Ministry of Science and Technology reports our work on Facebook

November 2017


Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology (MCTIC) wrote on its Facebook that our work is one of the Brazilian highlights for the year. In this note with more the 5000 likes and 3500 shares, MCTIC described our main findings related to nanoparticles with bactericidal activity. 


Click here and check it out

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Agencia Fapesp highlights our recently published work

October 2017


Our  Journal of Materials Chemistry B was highlighted by agencia Fapesp . This work is based on the undesrtanding of biomolecular corona formation and, definitively, will have a tremendous impact on the production of nanomedicines.


Click here to read Agencia Fapesp

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Our work is on Journal of Materials Chemistry B cover

October 2017


Our published work was chosen to illustrate the Journal of Materials Chemistry B cover.

The work is based on the understanding of  biomolecular corona influence over the nanoparticles biological activity. We have shown that biomolecular corona physically adsorbed on the nanoparticles surface have a strong effect on the ultimate nanomaterials bactericidal properties.   


Click here to see the full cover image

Click here to read the paper

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Mateus Cardoso joined Sol-Gel School in Argentina
September 2017

Two weeks of highly intensive work and knowledge spread. This is the summary of the sol-gel school that happens every two years in Argentina. For further info, please, click on the link below:


Mateus Cardoso was there to talk about two distinct subjects. The first one, the small-angle X-ray scattering technique (SAXS). He was in change of showing to the students how to extract structural information of sol-gel materials from the SAXS curves. In addition, the second part was dedicated to surface modification strategies that can be used to envisage and make nanomedicine a reality.

Click on the link below and watch Mateus Cardoso interview during the sol-gel school.


Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Mateus Cardoso talks about nanomedicine in introductory course
August 2017

Mateus Cardoso was one of the lectures during the Second Introductory Course on Nanotechnology and Nanotoxicology. This course was held at LNNano and during two full days the audience heard about a diversity of topics related to Nanotech and Nanotox. Mateus gave a talk describing the nanomedicine evolution and the new future trends related to this topic.

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Our work on the international news
July 2017

Our recently published work (Scientific Reports, v. 7, No. 1326, 2017) is on the new worldwide.

Click the links below and read what they are saying.

Medical News Life Science

Bioscience Technology





Mihan Magazine

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Mateus Cardoso gives a talk at UFC
July 2017

Mateus Cardoso was invited for the Federal University of Ceará to give a talk about the strategies that our group is currently using to develop nanomedicines.  Along this talk, he described how tailoring the nanoparticles' surface impacts virucidal and bactericidal properties as well as the anti-cancer ability related to these functionalized structures.

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Mateus Cardoso is interviewed by Jornal da Band
May 2017

Jornal da Band came to CNPEM campus to learn about antibiotic-decorated nanoparticles. Along the interview, Mateus Cardoso highlithed that these structures  are able to eliminate susceptible and antibiotic resistant bacteria with no effect against mammalian cell. 

Click here to watch the interview.

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Our work is highlighted by Agencia Fapesp
May 2017

Our antibiotic surface-decorated nanoparticles was highlighted by Agencia Fapesp which duly described that the obtained functionalized nanoparticles that are able to kill susceptible and antibiotic resistant bacteria while no toxicity against mammalian cells is seen.

Read the news by clicking here (in Portuguese).

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Mateus Cardoso is interviewed by GLOBO-EPTV and Rede Record
May 2017


Mateus Cardoso was interviewed by GLOBO-EPTV and Rede Record and he mainly described the last group's results based on the bactericidal activity of antibiotic-decorated nanoparticles . 

Click here to watch the interview - GLOBO-EPTV

Click here to watch the interview - Rede Record

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
One of the most important newspapers in Brazil highlights our work
May 2017

Our recently published work (Scientific Reports, v. 7, No. 1326, 2017) was highlighted by Folha de São Paulo which carefully described how we have obtained functionalized nanoparticles that are able to kill susceptible and antibiotic resistant bacteria with no effect against mammalian cell. 

Read the news by clicking here (in Portuguese).

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Mateus Cardoso at USP-Ribeirão Preto
May 2017

Mateus Cardoso was invited for the Pharmaceutical Department of USP-Ribeirão Preto to give a talk about the last advances of surface modified nanoparticles. Along the talk, it was discussed how functionalized nanoparticles can be used to develop the concept of personalized medicine as well as the advantages of these structures when compared to commercial products.

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Discovery Channel releases the full episode on youtube
April 2017


Our group was part of one episode of Brasil Ciência series recorded and reselased by Discovery Channel. 

Clink over the link below and watch the episode.


Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Agustin Picco was selected to be a Conicet researcher
March 2017


Agustin Picco received an excellent news that he has been selected to get one of the few new researcher positions of Conicet (from Argentina). 

In order to properly celebrate this amazing achievement, Agustin Picco brought to the group Alfajores Havana and everybody was doubly happy.

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Mateus Cardoso is one of the lectures of the School of Colloids
January 2017


Mateus Cardoso was one of the invited lectures of the School of Colloids which is annually organized by Prof. Denise Petri from University of São Paulo. The School came to LNNano to hear about colloidal stability, SAXS, DLS and  cryo-TEM (cryo-TEM part done by Alexandre Cassago). More information can be found at

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Mateus Cardoso is one of the speakers of NanoConference in Chile
December 2016


Mateus Cardoso was one of the invited speakers during the NanoConference: Biomedicine, Mining & Energy organised by the Andrés Bello University. He presented the main group contributions on developing nanoparticles for biomedical applications as well as the LNNano infrastructure and functioning mode. The NanoConference was held in Santiago - Chile.


Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Discovery announces the episode teaser
December 2016


Our group will be part of one episode of Brasil Ciência series of Discovery.

The episode is now announced and the teaser is public to all.

To watch it up click on the link below and enjoy what is coming next.

We are looking forward for the full episode.


Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Mateus Cardoso at the 2nd Symposium of Cellular and Molecular Biology
December 2016


Mateus Cardoso was one of the invited speakers during the Second Symposium of Cellular and Molecular Biology organised by the Postgraduate Program in Cellular and Molecular Biology from the Federal University of Paraná. He presented the main group contributions on developing nanoparticles for biomedical applications. The title of his talk was: "Biotechnological Applications of Nanoparticles". The symposium was held in Curitiba (Paraná - Brazil).

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Mateus Cardoso is one of the invited during SAB/LAFeBS in Argentina
November 2016


Mateus Cardoso was one of the invited speakers during SAB/LAFeBS conference organized by the Brazilian and Argentinian Societies of Biophysics. He presented the main group contributions on developing nanoparticles for viral inactivation. The title of his talk was: "Viral Inhibition Mechanism Mediated by Surface-Modified Silica Nanoparticles".

The conference was held in Tucuman (Argentina).

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Parmegiana time
October 2016


Our group went out for lunch...

And, it was not a very regular was the Big Parmegiana menu.

We have definitively eaten too much and working along the afternoon was somehow difficult.

However, it was very funny and the Parmegiana was very good.

More lunchs together very soon...

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Discovery Channel team in our lab
October 2016


Discovery Channel team came to our lab to record one of the episodes of Brasil Ciência series that will be broadcasted from November. Our group will be part of the first episode where we will explain our main findings considering bio-applicable nanoparticles while part of Mateus Cardoso life will be described. Do not miss this up!


Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Larissa Ferreira shows her results at SBPMat-2016
September 2016


The work "Colloidal stability of silica nanoparticles with different functionalized surfaces prior to biological tests" was presented by Larissa Ferreira during SBPMat-2016.  Her work highlights how different surface chemistries result in distinct colloidal stability which is a crucial aspect to be evaluated during biological applications.

We congratulate Larissa Ferreira for well representing our group.

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
International Sweet Week
September 2016


In the very first day, Gabriela prepared a wonderful brigadeirão (picture on the left). Karim was very kind to bring to us French specialties (Madeleines and Petit Chocolat) in the second day while Agustin brought Alfajores Havanna (from Argentina) along the third and last day of our sweet week.

Click here to see more pictures

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Mateus Cardoso is interviewed by Record-Fala Brasil
August 2016


Record-Fala Brasil highlighted our hability to inactivate viruses by using nanoparticles.

Along their national TV news, it was mentioned how nanoparticles are able to act in order to prevent cellular viral infection. 


Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Mateus Cardoso is interviewed by CBN radio
August 2016


Mateus Cardoso was interviewed by CBN where he discussed our main group's results on viral inactivation and the next steps for this research. 

Click here to listen the interview

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
G1 highlights our group's research
August 2016


G1 visited our lab to understand how folate-functionalized silica nanoparticles can be used to selectively kill tumor cells while the healthy ones are unaffected.

A long, compreensive and metaphoric article was published in their website.


Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
News about our group's research is hot topic at website
August 2016


News about our group's research is among the hot topics at with more than 80.000 views. To check this out, go to the link below.


Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Mateus Cardoso is interviewed by GLOBO-EPTV
August 2016


Mateus Cardoso was interviewed by GLOBO-EPTV where he mainly described the group's research based on viral inactivation as well as nanoparticles used to kill tumor cells. 

Click here to watch the interview

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Reaching important Brazilian communication vehicles with viral inactivation 

August 2016


Our viral inncativation work based on functionalized silica nanoparticles was emphasised by a large number of Brazilian communication vehicles. Among them, we can cite few such as: 

Click here to read O GLOBO

Click here to read UOL notícias

Click here to read Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovações e Comunicações

Click here to read Valor Econômico

Click here to read Portal Brasil

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Viral inactivation through nanoparticles highlighted by Agencia Fapesp

August 2016


Our published work was highlighted by Agencia Fapesp. The published results demonstrated that viral inactivation can be driven by using functionalized nanoparticles. We prepared a set of functionalized silica nanoparticles that induced distinct viral inactivation profiles depending on the nature of the chemical groups grafted on silica surface. Experiments were performed with HIV and VSV-G viruses. Read the entire history by clicking the link below.


Click here to read Agencia Fapesp

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Mateus Cardoso is interviewed by SBT-VTV

August 2016


SBT-VTV came to the LNLS to interview Mateus Cardoso.

The interview was broadcasted on live during the VTV-SBT news.

During this interview, Mateus Cardoso discussed about the possibility of using nanoparticles for targeted drug delivery.

Specifically, it was discussed how nanoparticles are able to be selective to tumor cells when compared to the healthy ones.

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Science with beer in a bar

July 2016


Have you ever imagined discussing science in a bar while you drink beer?

This is the purpose of the Beer with Science Program that happens every Tuesdays in Campinas.

Mateus Cardoso was the speaker along the 20th edition of this Beer with Science program.

Along several beers and interesting discussions, Mateus Cardoso talked about his group research based on nanoparticles as well as about science communication.

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Folate-functionalized nanoparticles highlighted by Agencia and Revista Fapesp

May 2016


Our published work based on the folate-functionalized nanoparticles loaded with curcumin have shown to be significantly cytotoxic to tumor cells whereas healthy cells are not affected by the presence of these structures. Due to the nature of our findings, Agencia and Revista Fapesp highlighted our work on their may editions. Read the entire history by clicking the links below.


Click here to read Agencia Fapesp

Click here to read Revista Fapesp

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Our work is on Langmuir cover

April 2016


Our published work was choosen to illustrate the Langmuir cover.

The work is based on the folate-functionalized nanoparticles loaded with curcumin that have been shown to be significantly cytotoxic to tumor cells whereas healthy cells were not affected by the presence of these structures. 


Click here to see the full cover image

Click here to read the paper

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Group Bowling Time

March 2016


Our group decided to make a round of Bowling to decided which country was better represented among us. Quentin Lion (playing for Belgium/France) was by far the best player and nobody was able to compete with him. Congratulations Quentin!


Click here to see more pictures of our Group Bowling Time

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Traditional Brazilian Barbecue

December 2015


Our group ended up the year with a traditional Brazilian barbecue.

This was an amazing way of celebrating the productive year of the group.

Also, this was a very nice way of saying goodbye to Jessica Oliveira and Maiara Emer that will expend a year and 3 months, respectively, in Rotello’s group. 

Other group events will happen very soon...


Click here to see more pictures of group members during the barbecue

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Vitamin C sensor pointed out in Exame Magazine and Agencia Fapesp

November 2015


Silver nanopartícles coated with PVP (a synthetic polymer) was used to produce a cheap and versitile nanotechnologic sensor which is able to monitor vitamin C.


Liks to EXAME.COM and Agencia Fapep over there names.

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Maiara Emer won best oral presentation prize at SBPMat

September 2015


The work "Nanoparticle-Bacteria Interaction Study Based on Surface Functionalization of Nanometric Structures" presented by Maiara Emer during XIV SBPMat was choosen as the best oral presentation. Maiara Emer won this prize presenting her work which illustrates how nanoparticles and bacteria interact. Maiara was considered as the best oral presentation of symposium Y. We congratulate Maiara Emer for well representing our group.


Click here to see few pictures related to Maiara's prize.

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Exame Magazine website points out our recent findings

July 2015


Technology section of Exame Magazine website pointed out our recent recent findings related to the use of nanoparticles to kill bacteria. In the website, it is possible to verify the Magazine editors are considering our strategy as very promising strategy to battle against pathogens since the title is: "Nova nanopartícula transportará antibiótico pelo corpo" (New nanoparticles will deliver antibiotic throughout the body).


To read the full story, go to Exame Magazine website (link below)


Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Fapesp Magazine highlights our work

July 2015


The section related to technology and nanotechnology of Fapesp Magazine highlighted our recent findings related to nanoparticles-bacteria interaction. It describes how our group started to work with silica synthesis and all strategies that we are currently using to develop nanoparticles for biomedical applications. In addition, it points out that surface functionalization is a important tool which plays a tremendous role in the biological activity of a given nanoparticle.


To read the full story, go to Fapesp Magazine (link below)


Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Mateus Cardoso is one of the invited speakers during Biotecnociências WS

June 2015


Mateus Cardoso was one of the invited speakers during anual workshop organized by the Biotecnociências postgraduate program at UFABC. He presented the contributions of the group on developing nanoparticles against resistant bacteria. The title of his talk was: "Can nanoparticles be used against resistant bacteria?". The conference was held in Santo André (SP-Brazil).

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Starting 2015 with a barbecue

January 2015


Our group started 2015 with a barbecue.

Other group events will happen very soon...


Here, we have a picture of group members during the barbecue.

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
She is now Dr. Larissa Brentano Capeletti

November 2014


Dr. Larissa Brentano Capeletti concluded her doctoral studies presenting her work discussing how different silane precursors can influence catalytic activity, sensors development, bactericidal properties as well as neural growth influence.


Congratulations Dr. Larissa Brentano Capeletti!


Click here to see pictures and videos of her defense and party after defense.

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Jessica de Oliveira and Willian Takemitsu won ACS-Langmuir prize

November 2014


Jessica de Oliveira and Willian Takemitsu were awarded with ACS-Langmuir prize during AutoOrg (2014) conference. ACS-Langmuir awarded the top ten best posters of the entire conference and the works done by Jessica de Oliveira and Willian Takemitsu were selected among the best ones. Each of them won a $ 100 card as well as a certificate issued by ACS-Langmuir for outstanding work and presentation. We congratulate Jessica de Oliveira and Willian Takemitsu for well representing our group.


Click here to see their posters, few pictures including the picture of the winners with ACS editors (David Whitten and Frank Quina) and the LNLS release.

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Mateus Cardoso is one of the invited speakers during AutoOrg (2014)

November 2014


Mateus Cardoso was one of the invited speakers during AutoOrg (2014) where he has shown the contributions of the group for understanding the interaction between nanoparticles and bacteria. The title of his talk was: "Nanoparticles-bacteria interaction: A chemico-biological approach". The conference was held in São Pedro (SP-Brazil).

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Larissa Capeletti won best oral presentation prize at SBPMat

October 2014


The work "Bioactive Hybrid Aminopropyl-Silica Coating To Support Neuronal Growth and Suppress Astrocyte Development" presented by Larissa Capeletti during XIII SBPMat was choosen as the best oral presentation. Larissa Capeletti won this prize presenting her work based on silica-based systems that selectively stimulates the neural growth. Larissa was considered as the best oral presentation of symposiums E, G and P. We congratulate Larissa Capeletti for well representing our group.


Click here to see few pictures and a link related to Larissa's prize.

Mateus Cardoso, LNNano, nanoparticles
Mateus Cardoso is one of the invited speakers during XIII SBPMat

September 2014


Mateus Cardoso was one of the invited speakers during XIII SBPMat where he has shown the contributions of the group for understanding the interaction between nanoparticles obtained through sol-gel process and their bactericidal properties. The title of his talk was: "Bactericidal Properties of Nanoparticles Obtained Through Sol-Gel Approach". The conference was held in João Pessoa (Brazil).

© by MATEUS CARDOSO. All rights reserved.

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